BravaBattery Automotive Battery Benefit

AGM80 Stop Start Battery
H6 agm-70 stop start battery

Car Battery

Stop-Start Battery

More Detail

The automotive battery is the heart of the vehicle’s electrical system. It supplies the initial current to the starting and ignition systems. When the generator/alternator is not charging (engine stopped), the battery always provides the current to the other electrical devices.

  • Cranking Amps (CA) – the rating of cranking amperage measured at 32 degrees F.
  • Cold Cranking Amps (CCA) – the amperage rating the battery can provide at 0-degrees F for 30 seconds without dropping below 7.2 volts. This is the most important measure of a battery, and is the typical rating used for selecting the appropriate battery for a vehicle.
  • Reserve Capacity (RC) – measured in minutes, this is how long the battery will provide 25 amps until the battery voltage drops to 10.5 volts. This is used on both starting and deep cycle batteries.
  • Amp Hour (AH) – typically used for deep-cycle batteries, this illustrates the amperage capacity. A battery with 150 amp hours rating would provide 15 amps for 10 hours, 10 amps for 15 hours or 150 amps for 1 hour.
Model H5/AGM-60
Rated Voltage 12v
CCA 600Ah
Capacity 60Ah
Weight 19kg
Size 242*175*190*190mm
Type Starter Battery
Rated Voltage12v
TypeStarter Battery

Rated Voltage12v
TypeStarter Battery

12V Automotive Batteries / AGM / VRLA / DIN Models

Group Model Capacity(Ah) CCA(A) Dimensions (L,W,H,Total,Height*mm) Layout Terminal Hold Down
L2 H5-60 60 640 242*174*190* 0 A B13
L3 H6-70 70 760 277*174*190* 0 A B13
L4 H7-80 80 730 315*174*190* 0 A B13
L5 H8-92 95 900 354*174*190* 0 A B13
L6 H9-105 110 950 393*174*190* 0 A B13

12V Automotive Batteries EFB Battery Models

Group Model Capacity(Ah) CCA(A) Dimensions (L,W,H,Total,Height*mm) Layout Terminal Hold Down
L1 MF55010 50 500 207*174*190* 0 A B13
LB1 MF54430 44 480 207*174*175* 0 A B13
L2 MF56010 60 560 242*174*190* 0 A B13
L2 MF56030 60 640 242*174*190* 0 A B13
LB3 MF56510 65 650 277*174*175* 0 A B13
LB3 MF56530 65 650 277*174*175* 0 A B13
L3 MF57010 70 650 277*174*190* 0 A B13
L3 MF57030 70 760 277*174*190* 0 A B13
LB4 MF57510 75 730 315*174*175* 0 A B13
LB4 MF57530 75 730 315*174*175* 0 A B13
L4 MF58010 80 730 315*174*190* 0 A B13
L4 MF58030 80 800 315*174*190* 0 A B13
L5 MF59510 95 900 354*174*190* 0 A B13
L6 MF61010 110 950 393*174*190* 0 A B13

12V Automotive / EFB / JIS Models

Group Model Capacity(Ah) CCA(A) Dimensions (L,W,H,Total,Height*mm) Layout Terminal
B19 M42(55B19L) 40 370 370*184*127*200 0 A(B)
B19 M42R(55B19R) 40 370 370*184*127*200 1 A(B)
B19 60B19L(M42) 40 420 420*184*127*200 0 A(B)
B24 N55(70B24L) 45 460 460*238*127*200 0 A(B)
B24 80B24L(N55) 50 500 500*238*127*200 0 A(B)
D23 Q85(90D23L) 65 500 500*230*172*200 0 A
D23 Q85R(90D23R) 65 500 500*230*172*200 1 A
D23 105D23L(Q90) 70 610 610*230*172*200 0 A
D26 S95(100D26L) 68 630 630*257*172*200 0 A
D26 S100(125D26L) 75 650 650*257*172*200 0 A
D31 T110(115D31L) 80 800 800*302*172*200 0 A
D31 T115(145D31L) 90 820 820*302*172*200 0 A

12V Automotive Batteries / AGM / VRLA / Auxiliary / ICE Models

Group Model Capacity(Ah) CCA(A) Dimensions (L,W,H,Total,Height*mm) Layout Terminal
12B AUX-12B 12 200 150*87*145*145 1 M6-B
12D AUX-12D 12 200 150*87*140*140 1 M6-D
12K AUX-12K 12 200 150*87*145*145 1 M6-K
14L AUX-14L 14 200 150*87*145*145 1 C(Mini)
10L AUX-10L 10 180 150*87*130*130 1 M6-L
10B AUX-10B 10 180 150*87*130*130 1 M6-B
10D AUX-10D 10 180 150*87*130*130 1 M6-D

12V Automotive Batteries / AGM / VRLA / EV Models

Group Model Capacity(Ah) CCA(A) Dimensions (L,W,H,Total,Height*mm) Layout Terminal Hold Down
B19 60B19RS 35 184*124*201*221 1 A
T33 6-QTF-33 33 198*132*171*171 1 M5 B1
T30 6-QTF-30 30 198*131*170*170 1 A
B21 6-QTF-40 40 200*134*202*222 0/1 A

12V Automotive Batteries / JIS / Hybrid (HEV)

Model Rated Voltage (V) 20hr @1.75V/cell RC (min) CCA -18℃ (A) L+W+H+TH(mm) +0/-2 Gross Weight (kg) Cell layout Terminal Hold-Down
S34B20R 12 35 53 270 197 128 202 227 12.5 1 12 B0
S46B24R 12 45 68 325 238 128 227 227 13.5 1 12 B0
S50B20L 12 35 60 272 184 127 200 220 12 0 B B0
S55B24L 12 48 80 325 238 127 200 220 12 0 B B0
S55D23R 12 65 85 550 220 170 225 225 15.1 1 12 B0
S55D23L 12 65 85 670 230 172 200 220 16.5 0 A B0
S65D26L 12 68 125 400 257 171 227 227 17.3 1 12 B0
S65D26R 12 75 125 760 257 172 200 220 17.5 1 A B0
S75D31L 12 80 125 510 304 171 227 227 20.7 1 12 B0

Battery Applications

truck application

truck application

Applications of Start-Stop Battery
RV application

RV application

Applications of Start-Stop Battery

BUS application

Applications of Start-Stop Battery
car applications

Car application

Applications of Start-Stop Battery

Automotive Battery FAQ

How many volts should a car battery lose overnight
As you can see, a voltage of 12.1V indicates that your battery is only using 50% of its full charge. You will experience a significant decrease in performance if your battery dips to 11.9V or less. The battery is almost totally depleted after it drops to 11.6V.

If the car battery completely dies, can you still jump your car?
Jumping a dead automobile battery is perfectly safe as long as you take all necessary safety measures. Here are a few safety precautions you ought to take: Connect the jumper cables after turning off the engines of both vehicles. Always start by plugging the cords into the dead battery.

How long should I expect my expensive gel car battery to last?
Gel or AGM batteries 12 volts
The typical lifespan of a 12-volt Gel or AGM battery is up to six years if kept charged when not in use. At an average ambient temperature of 25 C throughout the course of five or six years of float voltage, the battery still holds 80% of its initial capacity.

Does stop/start technology in cars actually save fuel?
Yes, you will save the fuel that the engine would have consumed when the car is immobile in instances where you are stationary with the engine running, such as in heavy traffic or while waiting for the lights to change.

How long will a new car battery last if it is never used?
If your car battery is relatively fresh and has been well-maintained, it should last for around two weeks before it runs out of power. If your car has been idle for more than two weeks, you probably need professional help.

Can I use a deep cycle battery in a car?
You can utilize the marine battery for your car if it has a 12-volt rating. It will be able to function as a starter and a deep cycle battery as a result. Another item to think about is the marine battery’s size.


Can I replace an automotive EFB battery with an AGM?
You have two alternatives when dealing with an EFB battery: You may either install an AGM or replace it with another EFB. The latter can improve the automatic Start-Stop system’s effectiveness and lead to more fuel being used efficiently.

Can I replace my AGM car battery with a regular battery?
Did your car have a flooded lead acid battery when it was new? If so, you should consider upgrading to an AGM battery to take advantage of its more robust, maintenance-free construction. You have the option of switching back to a standard battery or replacing the dead AGM battery with another one.

How far can you discharge an AGM battery?
AGM offers a depth-of-discharge of 80%, while the flooded is specified at 50% DoD to achieve the same cycle life.

How do I revive my dead deep cycle battery?
Add distilled water and baking soda solution to each battery cell. Use a funnel to slowly move in this direction. Switch out the battery covers. The battery should be shaken for around 30 seconds.

Can a marine battery be used in a RV?
Marine batteries and RV batteries may typically be switched out. Just make sure your marine battery has a slower discharge rate and a bigger reserve capacity. Additionally, confirm that your marine battery has sufficient reserve to run your RV and all you need within it between charges.

Do AGM batteries get sulfated?
This includes the brand-new “dry” sealed AGM-spiral-wound versions under the Optima, Odyssey, Exide, and Interstate names. Every time a battery is used, sulfation forms in them (discharged – recharged). They will quickly produce sulfate if overcharged, undercharged, or left discharged—some after even only a few days.

Which automotive battery is better, AGM or flooded?
We will acknowledge that there are some situations where flooded batteries are a better choice after demonstrating that AGM batteries normally perform better, have more safety features, and live longer than flooded lead-acid batteries.

What is the voltage of a fully charged AGM battery?
Before leaving, make sure the battery is completely charged. AGM batteries should read 13.00 volts or above when fully charged. The final charge should ideally be performed using an AGM-optimized charging profile.

Is an AGM battery the same as a lead acid battery?
AGM batteries have six cells, each of which has plates with insulating separators, and are comparable to conventional lead-acid batteries in this regard. The main distinction is that an AGM battery’s separators are formed of an absorbed glass mat, a substance that soaks up the battery’s acid solution.

Do lead or AGM batteries last longer?
AGM batteries often have a longer lifespan than conventional lead acid batteries. AGM batteries live longer than flooded batteries while not in use because of their low self-discharge rates. AGM batteries can last up to seven years with proper care, although flooded batteries normally last three to five years.

How do I resuscitate a deeply discharged AGM battery?
According to Optima, there are three ways to recharge an AGM battery that is deeply drained (sub 10 volts):
1. Option #1: Purchase an AGM battery charger.
2. Option #2: Make your own computer processing and use an antique charger.
3. Option #3: Enlist the aid of a specialist.


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