SMF Battery Replacement with DIN/JIS/BCI series

Table of Contents

SMF (Sealed Maintenance Free) Battery

SMF Batteries are not permanently sealed but are maintenance free. They can be oriented in any manner unlike normal lead–acid batteries. Sealed Maintenance Free batteries are designed for slow charge and slow discharge. Car batteries are designed for rapid charge and rapid discharge.



For passenger car, bus and truck
Heavy duty commercial (construction equipment, tractor-trailer etc.)
JIS, DIN, BCI and Australia standard

DIN Battery

DIN is a standard for automobile electric terminal numbers, standardizing automobile with a number code. A different standard, EN 50005 recommends terminal numbering for general application relays (e.g. 11/12/14/A1/A2 for a SPDT relay) that may nevertheless be applied to automobiles

SAE Test Carried out

Again as with SAE the test is carried out at -18°C. The fully charged battery is discharged to 6V with the rated test current. The voltage must be at least 9.0V after 30 seconds and the time to achieve 6V must be at least 150 seconds. Although subject to battery design an approximation of DIN to SAE CCA relationship is:- DIN = (SAE – 40) x 0.66 Since the introduction of modern fuel injected vehicles and the need for fast starting, the DIN standard has lost favor amongst automotive vehicle manufacturers. However, it does give a clear relationship with the amount of materials used within the battery, but not startability.

SMF Battery Models DIN Series

Model Dimensions(mm) Voltage
CCA(-18℃) CELL
Terminal BHD
SMF 54018 175 175 190 12 40 70 350 330 0 STD B3
SMF 53529 211 175 175 12 35 52 360 325 0 STD B3
SMF 53528 211 175 175 12 35 52 360 325 0 FORD B3
SMF 54316 211 175 175 12 43 70 440 400 0 STD B3
SMF 54317 211 175 175 12 43 70 440 400 0 FORD B3
SMF 54459 208 175 190 12 44 71 380 350 0 STD B3
SMF 54464 208 175 190 12 44 71 380 350 1 STD B3
SMF 54519 245 175 175 12 45 80 460 410 0 STD B4
SMF 55040 245 175 175 12 50 86 500 540 0 STD B3
SMF 55457 245 175 175 12 54 94 540 485 0 STD B3
SMF 55458 245 175 175 12 54 94 540 485 1 STD B3
SMF 55459 245 175 175 12 54 94 540 485 0 FORD B3
SMF 55559 245 175 190 12 55 94 480 440 0 STD B3
SMF 55565 245 175 190 12 55 94 480 440 1 STD B3
SMF 56219 245 175 190 12 62 100 520 480 0 STD B3
SMF 56217 245 175 190 12 62 100 520 480 1 STD B3
SMF 56048 269 174 226 12 60 100 520 470 0 STD B9
SMF 56049 269 174 226 12 60 100 520 470 1 STD B9
SMF 57029 269 174 226 12 70 120 620 560 0 STD B9
SMF 57024 269 174 226 12 70 120 620 560 1 STD B9
SMF 56323 277 175 175 12 63 110 620 550 0 FORD B3
SMF 56330 277 175 175 12 63 110 620 550 0 STD B3
SMF 57113 277 175 175 12 71 115 640 600 0 STD B3
SMF 57114 277 175 175 12 71 115 640 600 0 FORD B3
SMF 56638 277 175 190 12 66 110 580 540 0 STD B3
SMF 56640 277 175 190 12 66 110 580 540 1 STD B3
SMF 57220 277 175 190 12 72 120 620 580 0 STD B3
SMF 57219 277 175 190 12 72 120 620 580 1 STD B3
SMF 58014 315 175 175 12 80 135 760 690 0 STD B3
SMF 59042 315 175 190 12 90 160 780 720 0 STD B3
SMF 59043 315 175 190 12 90 160 780 720 1 STD B3
SMF 58515 353 175 175 12 85 140 770 700 0 STD B3
SMF 58827 353 175 190 12 88 148 770 700 0 STD B3
SMF 58828 353 175 190 12 88 148 770 700 1 STD B3
SMF 60044 353 175 190 12 100 170 810 740 0 STD B3
SMF 67018 513 222 220 12 170 340 1000 900 3 STD B0/B3
SMF 67019 513 222 220 12 170 340 1000 900 4 STD B0/B3
SMF 68032 513 222 220 12 180 370 1100 1000 3 STD B0/B3
SMF 68033 513 222 220 12 180 370 1100 1000 4 STD B0/B3
SMF 68021 518 273 216 12 180 350 1100 1000 3 STD B0
SMF 70027 518 273 216 12 200 390 1200 1100 3 STD B0
SMF 73011 518 273 216 12 230 430 1300 1200 3 STD B0

BCI Battery

The Battery Council International (BCI) is a trade association of manufacturers of original-equipment and after-market automobile batteries and other lead-acid batteries. It promotes the recycling of lead-acid batteries, and claims that almost all car batteries are eventually recycled.

Lead-Acid Battery Technology History.

Over its more than 150 year history, lead-acid battery technology has achieved superior safety and reliability. These characteristics have made it the most commonly used technology in rechargeable batteries, for the widest range of applications. Lead-acid batteries have demonstrated the safest and most reliable track record of any power storage solution in use today.
While the lead-acid battery industry is the world’s largest consumer of lead, air emissions of lead from lead battery production are less than 1% of total U.S. lead emissions.

SMF Battery Models BCI Series

A. Passenger Car & Light Commercial Batteries

Group Model Dimensions(mm) Voltage
Capacity(Ah) RC
CCA(A) CA(A) Figure
58 SMF 58-450 236 183 177 12 40 50 74 450 580 21 STD
SMF 58-530 236 183 177 12 48 60 86 530 660 21 STD
65 SMF 65-660 292 189 191 12 58 72 120 640 770 21 STD
SMF 65-700 292 189 191 12 62 78 130 700 730 21 STD
SMF 65-800 292 189 191 12 70 88 140 700 930 21 STD
22F SMF 22F-470 240 174 205 12 40 50 86 470 600 11-F STD/DUAL
SMF 22F-530 240 174 205 12 43 54 95 530 660 11-F STD/DUAL
26 SMF 26-420 208 179 205 12 34 42 60 420 550 10 STD
SMF 26-560 208 179 205 12 43 54 86 560 690 10 STD
70 SMF 70-420 208 179 185 12 34 42 60 420 550 17 SIDE
SMF 70-560 208 179 185 12 43 54 86 560 690 17 SIDE
70DT SMF 70DT-420 208 179 205 12 34 42 60 420 550 10,17 DUAL
SMF 70DT-560 208 179 205 12 43 54 86 560 690 10,17 DUAL
86 SMF 86-520 231 179 205 12 40 50 79 520 650 10 STD
SMF 86-710 231 179 205 12 53 66 110 710 840 10 STD
75 SMF 75-520 231 179 185 12 40 50 79 520 650 17 SIDE
SMF 75-710 231 179 185 12 53 66 110 710 840 17 SIDE
75DT SMF 75DT-520 231 179 205 12 40 50 78 520 650 10,17 DUAL
SMF 75DT-710 231 179 205 12 53 66 110 710 840 10,17 DUAL
34 SMF 34-610 260 179 205 12 46 58 94 610 740 10 STD
SMF 34-780 260 179 205 12 59 74 124 780 910 10 STD
78 SMF 78-610 260 179 185 12 46 58 94 610 740 17 SIDE
SMF 78-780 260 179 185 12 59 74 124 780 910 17 SIDE
78DT SMF 78DT-610 260 179 205 12 46 58 94 610 740 10,17 DUAL
SMF 78DT-780 260 179 205 12 59 74 124 780 910 10,17 DUAL

B. Heavy-Duty Commercial Batteries

Group Model Dimensions(mm) Voltage
Capacity(Ah) RC
CCA(A) CA(A) Figure
31S SMF 31-730S 330 173 240 12 68 85 160 730 860 18 Stud
SMF 31-1000S 330 173 240 12 96 120 205 1000 1150 18 Stud
31A SMF 31-730A 330 173 240 12 68 85 160 730 860 18 STD
SMF 31-1000A 330 173 240 12 96 120 205 1000 1150 18 STD
30H SMF 30H-830 330 173 229 12 80 100 180 830 960 10 STD
SMF 30HL-830 330 173 229 12 80 100 180 830 960 10 STD
4D SMF 4D-850 508 222 241 12 112 140 270 850 980 8 STD
SMF 4D-1000 508 222 241 12 120 150 300 1000 1080 8 STD
8D SMF 8D-1200 523 279 250 12 144 180 315 1200 1330 8 STD
SMF 8D-1400 523 279 250 12 160 200 400 1400 1530 8 STD

C. General Utility & Marine Batteries

Group Model Dimensions(mm) Voltage
Capacity(Ah) RC
CCA(A) CA(A) Figure
U1 SMF U1-250 195 130 183 12 18 23 35 250 340 10 LUG
SMF U1-330 195 130 183 12 24 30 45 300 410 10 LUG
U1R SMF U1R-250 195 130 183 12 18 23 35 250 340 11 LUG
SMF U1R-330 195 130 183 12 24 30 45 300 410 11 LUG
M24 SMF 24MS-500 260 174 222 12 52 65 85 500 630 10 TM
SMF 24MS-600 260 174 222 12 56 70 100 600 730 10 TM
SMF 24MS-680 260 174 222 12 64 80 115 680 810 10 TM
M27 SMF 27MS-730 304 173 225 12 72 90 125 730 860 10 TM
SMF 27MS-780 304 173 225 12 76 95 130 780 910 10 TM
M31 SMF 31MS-850 330 173 240 12 80 100 180 850 980 18 TM
24HCM SMF 24HCM-500 260 174 222 12 56 70 130 500 630 10 TM
SMF 24HCM-550 260 174 222 12 61 76 135 550 680 10 TM
SMF 24HCM-600 260 174 222 12 66 82 140 600 730 10 TM
27HCM SMF 27HCM-660 304 173 225 12 70 88 160 660 790 10 TM
SMF 27HCM-700 304 173 225 12 76 95 170 700 830 10 TM
31HC SMF 31HC-780 330 173 240 12 80 100 180 700 830 18 STD/STUD
24DCM SMF 24DCM-550 260 174 222 12 66 82 140 550 680 10 TM
27DCM SMF 27DCM-640 304 173 225 12 76 95 160 640 770 10 TM

JIS Battery

Most older Japanese cars were fitted with JIS terminals. You must ensure that when you are buying a new battery that you know which terminals you have. One must also look at the orientation of and which side of the old battery the terminals are on.

Japanese Industrial Standard

The Japanese Industrial Standard test is carried out at -15°C. The automotive batteries are usually tested at either 150A or 300A with different 10s /30s voltage and durability requirement to 6V. For European applications we believe this does not give as clear a view to the customer of battery startability and is rarely shown and used within the European aftermarket.

SMF Battery Models JIS Series

Model Dimensions(mm) Voltage
Capacity(Ah) RC
Terminal BHD Magic
SMF 34B17L 167 127 227 12 27 33 47 280 390 0 SM B0 P/H
SMF 34B17R 167 127 227 12 27 33 47 280 390 1 SM B0 P/H
SMF 40B19L 187 127 226 12 27 35 49 300 410 0 SM B0 P/H
SMF 40B19R 187 127 226 12 27 35 49 300 410 1 SM B0 P/H
SMF 42B19L 187 127 226 12 32 40 52 340 450 0 SM B0 P/H
SMF 42B19R 187 127 226 12 32 40 52 340 450 1 SM B0 P/H
SMF NX100-S6L 238 129 225 12 36 45 80 430 540 0 SM B0 P/H
SMF NX100-S6 238 129 225 12 36 45 80 430 540 1 SM B0 P/H
SMF NX100-S6LS 238 129 225 12 36 45 80 430 540 0 STD B0 P/H
SMF NX100-S6S 238 129 225 12 36 45 80 430 540 1 STD B0 P/H
SMF NX100-S6LS 238 129 225 12 36 45 80 430 540 0 STD B0 P/H
SMF NX100-S6S 238 129 225 12 36 45 80 430 540 1 STD B0 P/H
SMF 50D20L 202 173 225 12 42 50 85 450 590 0 STD B0 P/H
SMF 50D20R 202 173 225 12 42 50 85 450 590 1 STD B0 P/H
SMF 55D23L 232 173 225 12 48 60 100 500 630 0 STD B0 P/H
SMF 55D23R 232 173 225 12 48 60 100 500 630 1 STD B0 P/H
SMF 75D23L 232 173 225 12 52 65 110 580 710 0 STD B0 P/H
SMF 75D23R 232 173 225 12 52 65 110 580 710 1 STD B0 P/H
SMF NX110-5L 260 173 222 12 56 70 120 600 730 0 STD B0 P/H
SMF NX110-5 260 173 222 12 56 70 120 600 730 1 STD B0 P/H
SMF 85D26L 260 173 222 12 64 80 130 650 780 0 STD B0 P/H
SMF 85D26R 260 173 222 12 64 80 130 650 780 1 STD B0 P/H
SMF NX120-7L 303 173 225 12 72 90 150 750 880 0 STD B0 P/H
SMF NX120-7 303 173 225 12 72 90 150 750 880 1 STD B0 P/H
SMF 1000LA 330 173 232 12 80 100 182 870 1000 0 STD B0 P/H
SMF 1000RA 330 173 232 12 80 100 182 870 1000 1 STD B0 P/H
SMF 1000LS 330 173 232 12 80 100 182 870 1000 0 STUD B0 P/H
SMF 1000RS 330 173 232 12 80 100 182 870 1000 1 STUD B0 P/H
SMF N100L 410 175 235 12 80 100 180 830 960 0 STD B0 R/N
SMF N100 410 175 235 12 80 100 180 830 960 1 STD B0 R/N
SMF N120L 505 183 240 12 96 120 230 820 950 4 STD B0 R/N
SMF N120 505 183 240 12 96 120 230 820 950 3 STD B0 R/N
SMF N150L 508 222 241 12 120 150 300 1000 1130 4 STD B0 R/N
SMF N150 508 222 241 12 120 150 300 1000 1130 3 STD B0 R/N
SMF N200L 523 279 248 12 160 200 430 1150 1280 4 STD B0 R/N
SMF N200 523 279 248 12 160 200 430 1150 1280 3 STD B0 R/N

CAR Battery: | Automobile | | Truck | | Marine/RV | | Motorcycle |


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